Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Bride and groom spend wedding night in hospital after wedding venue floor collapsed, causing them and their guests to plummet 13 ft

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A newly married couple spent their wedding night in hospital after the venue floor collapsed, injuring dozens of guests.

Paolo Mugnaini, and bride, Valeria Ybarra, both 26, were holding their wedding reception at a former Giaccherino Covent in Pistoia, Italy, when a wide hole opened in the floor.

The convent dates back to the early 15th century, and has since been closed off after 35 people – including a child – were injured.

Bride and groom spend wedding night in hospital after wedding venue floor collapsed, causing them and their guests to plummet 13 ft

Six were left with serious injuries and 10 were “moderately” injured, with all of those hurt receiving treatment at the San Jacopo Hospital in Pistoia, Italy.

Three of those admitted to hospital – including a pregnant woman – were still being kept in hospital the day after the collapse, but all are in stable condition.

Guests plunged from what was once the refectory to the floor below amid rubble, debris, and wooden planks.

Bride and groom spend wedding night in hospital after wedding venue floor collapsed, causing them and their guests to plummet 13 ft

The groom’s father told local media: “I’m shocked. I was in the hall when I heard screams, and then this catastrophe happened.

“I didn’t see the floor section collapse. I saw the hole. Panic set in, and we searched for where the people had fallen. After two or three minutes, we found them.”

A criminal case has been opened against some people on charges of negligent bodily harm and omission of necessary work to remove dangers.

Investigators say structural failure was the most likely cause of the floor collapse.

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