Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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People were so nasty when I got pregnant at 14, I dropped out of school but now I sell multi-million dollar mansions

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Alex Yetter, 22, has gone from living in her parents’ basement after getting pregnant at 14 to selling multimillion-dollar mansions, driving flashy cars, and living in her dream home.

Being a teen mom certainly meant struggles for the Beaverton, Oregon native.

“I felt like I missed out, I wasn’t dating, I wasn’t able to go to all the parties like my friends, I couldn’t relate to them,” she said.

But she’s happy for what she overcame and how it helped her rise to the heights she has now.

“Looking back now I wouldn’t change anything, because it’s led me to where I am today, I’m living out my dreams,” she said.

In her freshman year of high school, Alex recalled, her world flipped upside-down after she took a pregnancy test and it turned out positive.

Out of embarrassment, she kept her pregnancy a secret.

Before I got pregnant, I was on the cheer team. I had lots of friends, I was pretty well-known around the school,” Alex explained.

“So when I found out my freshman year, I actually didn’t tell anybody, the number one reason for that was that I was embarrassed.”

However, when her bump started to become noticeable at 20 weeks, rumors started flying around the school.

“I was starting to show at the time, and I had people ask me, and I denied it. It was hard,” she recounted.

Alex now lives in her dream house with her eight-year-old son who she has now enrolled in private education, giving him the best platform to succeed in the future.She explained that she has always had a love and a passion for real estate.”I decided to just pursue that and I have been to networking events, I’m doing the open houses, I am prospecting, I’m doing all these things to try and grow my business,” she said.”I put in the work, and now I’m living out my dreams and I am blessed to be able to enroll my son into a private Christian school,” Alex said.”Early on in my real estate career, I was determined to be able to afford the best education for Milo.”I’m the youngest parent to pay for the tuition,” she revealed.”We’re just happy and content where we’re at, we’ve come a long way from being in my parents’ basement at 14 and as a newborn,” Alex concluded.

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